How to start losing weight: motivation, the basics of good nutrition

Losing weight seems to be just one set of activities related to dietary restrictions and regular physical activity. But without the right motivation and organization of the process, it will not be crowned with the desired success. There are certain rules that must be observed, but it is just as important to take care of your morale and your individual characteristics: age, gender, health and basic parameters. Before you start to lose weight, it is best to consult your doctor.

Where to start

It is necessary to start losing weight on your own at home with a firm decision to radically change your life. "To mature" for this help:

  • detailed analysis of the current state of the body and all the consequences thereof;
  • a difficult situation that will become an impulse (ridiculing or criticizing others, serious health problems arisen, family breakdown);
  • Inspired by someone's example of successful weight loss.

It's better not to get into difficult situations and start a new life with analysis, and use other people's stories as additional motivation.


Honest answers to the following questions will help you analyze your current physical condition:

  1. Am I satisfied with my life? Am I spending my time the way I want?
  2. Do I love myself outwardly? Are my clothes pretty?
  3. Do I feel psychologically comfortable with my weight? What complexes do I have because of the extra pounds? How does this affect my communication with the opposite sex? Am I afraid that a loved one will leave for someone more attractive or cheat on me?
  4. Do I envy fit people?
  5. How does being overweight affect my health? (Shortness of breath, diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints and other bodily systems).
  6. What will change in my life when I manage to lose weight and have a great body?

After these detailed answers (preferably in writing - for visualization and systematization of thoughts), you need to ask yourself the main question: what am I ready to do in order to lose weight and qualitatively change my lifefor the best?

Definition of objectives

After you have identified the lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight, you need to set the right goals for yourself: primary and intermediate.

Examples of main objectives:

  • to lose an additional 20 kg in a year and become more beautiful and more confident;
  • radically change thinking, profession and habits, lose excess weight;
  • improve health through weight loss;
  • get rid of food addiction;
  • get a beautiful body in a year through healthy diet and exercise.

The main goal can include all the points listed, it is very important that it is comprehensive and has not only the desired number of pounds lost, but also a significant improvement in life.

At the same time, it is very important not to go to extremes and not plan to lose a lot of pounds in a short period of time. Achieving such goals with proper weight loss is unrealistic, and lack of results can negatively affect weight loss morale and lead to breakdowns.


Finding the right motivation is one of the hardest questions about losing weight. You can start to lose weight and take the first steps to a new life with the help of these emotional shocks:

  • general photo, where you can clearly see how horrible a person is in the context of their colleagues / relatives / friends;
  • an example of a familiar or unfamiliar person who, thanks to a balanced diet and regular physical activity, has managed to transform into a slim and fit person;
  • strict instructions from a doctor and serious threats to health, backed up by poor health;
  • serious failures in personal life associated with extra pounds.

After such a push, it is very important to find the inner strength not to crumble and to continue the transformation with enthusiasm. The psychology of many people is such that when they get the first results, they think they can afford something that is not allowed. Advice from nutritionists and psychologists on how to motivate yourself well not to give up and move on:

  1. Think of a great material reward that a person who has achieved the ultimate goal will receive.
  2. Reward yourself with small freebies and rewards every week while sticking to your diet and exercise program whether you're on the scale or not. This is especially true for the first few days of weight loss, when it's hard to let go of the usual lifestyle.
  3. Do not weigh ourselves more than once a week and for more objective data, consider measurements to the centimeter.
  4. Diversify leisure activities with these types of activities that were previously unavailable due to overweight and the associated constraints: dance classes, shopping, going to a beauty salon, visiting a circle.
  5. Congratulate yourself every day for every little thing, getting up on time and ending with a workout well done.
  6. Find inspirational phrases and stories and write them down in a notebook everyday and hang them in prominent places in your apartment or house.
  7. Expand your social circle with like-minded people you may meet in the gym and weight loss communities. It is very important that there are people around who are "on the same page" to lose weight.

Before / after collages are considered to be an effective way to maintain your willpower. Viewing the results lets you not give up and keep going, so taking photos from the same angles every month is recommended.

Organization of processes

Step by step instructions on how to organize the weight loss process at home for a beginner after setting a goal and choosing an effective motivation:

Step Explanation
Purchase of supplies

Anyone losing weight while dieting will need:

  • kitchen scale for precise calculation of calories and dish size;
  • normal scales for weekly weighing;
  • centimeter;
  • containers to transport food and avoid missing meals;
  • non-stick frying pan
  • ;
  • notebook or notebook for keeping a weight loss diary
The right cookware Experts say food plays an important role in weight loss. Human psychology is designed in such a way that it is easier for him to experience a feeling of fullness when he eats a full plate. In this case, it may be a children's container or saucer. In addition to the plates, it is recommended to replace them with smaller forks and spoons
Menu planning To plan a menu you need to get acquainted with the main rules of healthy eating, choose recipes for different meals and follow the principle: for breakfast - carbohydrates, for lunch - protein + a few carbohydrates + a lotvegetables, for dinner - protein + vegetables
Physical activity For a slim and beautiful figure, good nutrition alone is not enough, you need to plan a workout program.Enough 3 half hour sessions with exercises for different muscle groups per week at 1 day intervals
Extra metabolic jerks

Effective ways to cleanse the body and speed up metabolic processes are:

  • fasting observance is especially important for religious people - while it is problematic to build muscle mass without animal protein, but you can lose weight through cleansing;
  • days of fasting - on water, kefir, fruits, vegetables.

Cheat meals - eating irregularities scheduled every 7-10 days helps speed up metabolism and achieve mental relaxation

What should be a proper diet for weight loss

The food is said to be correct when:

  • the body receives all the microelements necessary for full functioning;
  • completely eliminates hunger and restrictions;
  • Completely harmful products with an unhealthy composition are reduced or eliminated to a minimum: sweets and sugar, fried, flour, semi-finished products, sausages, unhealthy snacks.

It has no contraindications and is still prescribed by specialists with a high weight of a person for safe weight loss.If a person has a choice: to diet or to eat well, they should go for the second option. Good nutrition can be observed throughout life which means you are always in great shape.

Ground rules

Good nutrition requires following these rules:

  1. Monitor your water balance and drink at least 3 liters of water per day between meals. In addition to water, you can drink ginger and green tea, Sassi drinks, fermented milk drinks.
  2. Eat often - at least 2. 5-3 hours, but in moderation. There must be at least 3 main meals and 2 intermediate meals per day.
  3. Properly distribute the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate: 40-50%, 10-20%, 30-40%, respectively.
  4. Prepare and eat exceptionally healthy raw foods: lean meat, all types of fish and seafood, vegetable protein, cottage cheese and low-fat sour milk drinks, cheeses, eggs, unprocessed grains, all types of flour, except white wheat, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts, cold pressed vegetable oils.
  5. Completely exclude: sugar, white flour, sausages, fries, snacks with chemical components in the composition.
  6. Use only gentle methods of heat treatment of products: boil, bake, simmer, bake on a non-stick coating without oils.
  7. Calculate the number of calories needed daily taking into account personal data using a special formula and reduce it so that the calorie deficit is 15-20%.

Sample menu

Sample menu for the first week of weight loss:

Day Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner
1 Buckwheat porridge, 0% milk omelet and 2 chicken eggs, tomato salad Milkshake made with milk, banana and chia seeds Brown rice pilaf with turkey fillet Kefir with fiber Fish cakes, steamed asparagus
2 Ovsyanoblin stuffed with cottage cheese, sour cream and raisins Cocoa curd mousse Potato-free vegetable soup with chicken meatballs 2 hard-boiled eggs Baked red fish, a few lemon wedges and lettuce
3 Lazy oatmeal in a pot of berries and seeds, soaked in yogurt Dried apricot cheesecakes Bean and Potato Free Vinaigrette Red berry yogurt Chicken fillet cooked with tomato and onion with kefir
4 Rice porridge with raisins, fresh citrus fruits Milk, banana and chia pudding Mashed peas, cabbage cooked with turkey meat and mushrooms Apple, pear and apricot salad Cocktail of boiled seafood, salad of cucumber and greens
5 Pancakes with oats and honey Applesauce Lentils, beet salad, boiled chicken Kefir Seafood salad, eggs, cucumber and herbs
6 Rice flour pancakes with sweetener Smoothie with green cucumber, celery, herbs and lemon juice Buckwheat, boiled turkey, baked eggplant Cottage cheese with fiber Fish soup without potatoes
7 Strudel made from Armenian lavash, apples, chopped nuts and dried fruits Salad of grated carrots, celery and pumpkin seeds, seasoned with sesame oil Soup of various types of cabbage, baked chicken Milk jelly Cook any fish fillet, coleslaw

Physical activity

The best types of physical activity for the initial phase of weight loss are:

  1. Fasting breathing exercises.They don't require a lot of time and effort, but they discipline and allow you to tighten all the muscles in the body.
  2. Recharge with exercises for all muscle groups before or after breakfast.Takes 15 minutes of time, gives a boost of liveliness and makes you feel proud of yourself. It can be an express version of a circuit workout with jumps, negatives, lunges, squats, and sit-ups - they're very effective at burning fat and less strenuous than standard workouts.
  3. Walk.Relevant with a high initial weight. In the first few days, it is enough to leave 2-3 stops earlier than the destination and to cover this distance, gradually increasing it. Night walks in the park will also be useful.
  4. Running on an empty stomach or at night.Ideally - interval (1 minute running at maximum pace alternates with 5 minutes running at medium pace), lasting at least 15 minutes.
  5. Jump in place or on a jump rope at any convenient time, but not immediately after a meal.Exercising after eating is not healthy.
slimming exercises

The simplest type of physical activity for beginners - Scandinavian walking - is a physiologically safe type of walking with the use of special sticks, thanks to this load all body systems are strengthened. Its main principles:

  • movements should be smooth and natural, not causing painful sensations or obvious discomfort;
  • Exercise
  • is ​​considered aerobic, therefore it is important that there are no contraindications in the form of cardiovascular diseases;
  • with the right technique, all the muscles of the body are worked and developed;
  • it is very important to warm up the joints well during the warm-up, especially the knee before starting the training;
  • is ​​suitable for people of all sexes, ages and health conditions - it can be adapted to the individual characteristics of a person, since it is common, but some elements of walking are complicated.

Nuances to take into account

When composing a menu and a training program, it is important to take into account some important nuances:

  1. Gender.Men have a faster metabolism and better developed muscles. Therefore, they can eat a little more carbohydrates than women and the ideal workout for them is weight training. For intensive fat burning, classes can be supplemented with cardio loads, but after doing exercises with weights. Women, on the other hand, must strictly control the daily amount of carbohydrates and favor aerobic and cardio loads. Strength training will help to form beautiful proportions.
  2. Age.After 30 years, women and men, the metabolism slows down somewhat, so do not expect too rapid weight loss - a loss of 0. 8-1 kg per week will be normal. It is extremely important for women over 30 to include healthy fats in their diet to prolong their youthful skin.
  3. State of health.If good nutrition has no contraindications for health reasons and can be individually selected and adjusted, physical activity should be strictly coordinated with a doctor.